Blinovitch Lmt Doctor Who Database Wiki

Sara Kingdom


Early Life[]

To be added

SSS career[]

To be added

TARDIS travels[]

To be added

Hunting the Doctor and Steven[]

To be added

Fleeing the Daleks[]

To be added


To be added


To be added

Undated events[]

To be added


To be added

Psychological Profile[]

To be added


To be added

Other Matters[]

To be added

Behind the Scenes[]

To be added

External Links[]

To be added

Companions of the First Doctor
Original to television Multi-adventure Susan Foreman - Ian Chesterton - Barbara Wright - Vicki Pallister - Steven Taylor - Katarina - Sara Kingdom - Dodo Chaplet - Ben Jackson - Polly Wright
Narratively ambiguous Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart - Bill Potts - Brett Vyon - Tegan Jovanka
Original to prose Multi-adventure Dot, Harroll & Jack Strong - Robert Zierath
Single-adventure Amy & Tony Barker - Butch - Chertzog - Hill - Alan, George, Helen & Ida Mortimer - Shelley
Narratively ambiguous Rebecca Nurse
Original to comic John Who - Gillian Who
Original to audio Oliver Harper